The Start of Something Terrible

What does the rational person do when faced with the realization that weekend doom scrolling on twitter hasn’t exactly contributed to a mentally healthy morning? I would certainly imagine they put down the iPad and pursue something that’s going to shift their focus to a better place.

Friends, the operative word above is rational. I’m not going to claim that mindset; at least not right now.

Instead, I sat down started a website with no clear goal in mind. Dear reader, this is the moment that you should realize that this is not a place you need (or want) to be.

“Opinions my own.” The phrase found in twitter bios the world over in a meager attempt to disassociate your own ideas from your employer in an effort to, you know, keep your job after you say something colossally stupid or morally reprehensible on the internet.

Yes, I thought… I’ll create OpinionsMyOwn dot com, just to have my own little space to say what I want, while also making an effort to stay out of trouble. Sadly, my hopes were dashed, as that domain was already taken and looks totally legit. To be very fair, it actually may be legit – I spent about three seconds attempting to translate, and when that failed, I gave up.

I had only one choice. Like the typical American, I went for the cheap knockoff version. is born. I fully expect it to languish and die on the vine.

All of that said, I sometimes wanted a place I can express myself into the void. Current social media offers a wide audience, but doesn’t fulfill the desire to link out to multiple places, if you’re trying to convey long and/or complex thoughts. That’s something I miss on those platforms.

So, here I am, ready to speak or link to my heart’s content, just with not that much to say.

All opinions, erm… ideas, my own.
